Drive Smart Driving School is voluntarily shutting down all “contact” activities for 14 days.
One of our clients has been contacted by SA Health and put on a self-isolation order. She shared a Uni lecture with a person who has since been diagnosed with COVID 19.
SA Health said it wasn’t necessary for her contacts to self-isolate. While this gives us confidence that all our clients are safe, it has helped us to decide it’s time to cease all driving lessons and assessment operations for a short time in order to keep our clients and instructors safe.
All being well, we will re-commence driving lessons and assessments on 14th April 2020.
Mean-while we will be doing lots of fun things like developing training videos and other good stuff ready to launch forward once the coast is clear.
If you have appointments booked with us, we will be in contact separately to re-schedule.
Wishing you all the best in this challenging time.
Stay healthy and safe.
Kind regards,
Mark Fraser
Proprietor | Principal Trainer
Drive Smart Driving School
PO Box 879, Modbury SA 5092
Phone: 08 8285 4059 | Mobile: 0418 812 399
ABN 92 819 057 043
Hello I was wondering if your driving school still open thanks Kellie
Hi Kelly,
Thank you for asking. We and all other South Australian driving schools are prevented from conducting driving lessons by COVID 19 restrictions.
We will be back on the road as soon as restrictions are lifted.
Follow us on Facebook Drive Smart Driving School Adelaide for regular updates about our return
Check out Drive Smart Driving School on YouTube for stuff you can learn and practice while we can’t help with lessons.
Cheers, Mark